(I'm writing this post at 2 a.m. in the morning so bertabahlah ya kalau ada salah-salah tu hahaha)
(Rupa dia dalam bekas. Macam yogurt pun ada bila tenung lama-lama. Tengah lapar pula tu sekarang hahaha)
Anyway, tiba-tiba rasa macam nak tulis post awal-awal pagi ni (Mata takmau lelap huhu) so teringin nak review this one specific product I bought masa first time try Hermo andddddddd
I'm loving this one! Every chance yang boleh pakai mask, I wear it. Lagi-lagi kalau student kan, bukan ada masa sangat so sambil-sambil menaip assignment or tengah-tengah stress memang pakai headband lepastu lumur benda ni kat muka (This or Innisfree clay mask tu)
Memang this one pun best pakai. Sejuk dia tuuuu menyamankan betul (Tak adalah tahap letak muka depan aircond but still...) and that, ada a bit tightening effect to it too so it's very comfortable to wear.
But, this didn't come with a spatula too :( (I demand a spatula pleaseee)
However, texture dia macam whip cream but tebal sikit so senang nak lumur pakai brush. Dah memang macam pakai whip cream kat muka pun hahaha
Kalau compare dengan Innisfree tu, I use the same brush every time nak pakai mask but clay mask tu memang susah sikit nak pakai guna brush. Dia padat so a bit harder to glide it onto your face compared to this egg white mask.
(Bila dah lumur kat kulit. Ignore my tangan terbakar ya huhu)
Haaaa keypoint dia yang penting kat sini, is the smell. Bau dia bukan bau telur putih yang kuat. I'm not sure if ada ke tak bau telur putih tu (For me tak ada sebab dah biasa lumur telur putih kat muka and straight up telur putih kat muka lagi kuat bau dia). If jenis tak tahan bau telur putih, boleh pakai yang ni.
Though, if saya compare product ni dengan telur putih yang real, memang telur putih menanglah. Tightening effect telur putih lagi kuat, and 10x lagi menegangkan kulit. But, this product buat kulit jadi fluffy gilaaaaa. Telur putih takat tegangkan balik je kulit.
And product ni still menegangkan but tak sekuat telur putih real so yeah, if jenis hardcore boleh lumur terus telur putih kat muka, better telur putih je but that is if nak kulit tegang. If yang tak tahan, belilah product ni, still work and kulit pun jadi floofff hahaha
That's all for my opinion. Kat bawah I'll provide some more info for you to read.
Name: Egg White Pore Mask
Brand: Skin Food (Korea)
Original Price: RM 49.90 (As of price on Hermo app)
Price when bought: RM 26.90 (Bought it from Hermo. Worth the discount)
Capacity: 125g
Effect: Removing pore-clogging, controlling oil, firming, tightening pores
How to use:
1. After cleansing, gently apply the product to your face avoiding the eye and mouth are. Wait 10-15 minutes, then wash off with lukewarm water.
(TINY WARNING! Bila mask ni dah kering and awak senyum or something, akan ada crack and holes like that. If awak tu tryophobia, yang gelikan lubang or crack banyak-banyak tu, bila dah rasa macam kering, terus je basuh. Tak perlu usya)